Podcasts de Bienestar y Familia

Psicología y Movidas

Psicología y Movidas es un podcast que pretende acercar la psicología a todo el mundo, con un tono distendido y de una manera que pueda entender cualquiera, haya o no leído libros o ...

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Paisajes de Ventanilla

Queremos ofrecer la posibilidad de realizar un viaje en familia. Unidos en el mismo lugar y compartiendo los mismos paisajes reales, los que ofrece el recorrido. Una humilde banda sonora que nos ...

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CAFÉ ALBERT: Nutrición, Actividad Fª y Salud.

Nutrición, actividad física y salud. Al frente, Alberto Hernández Nutrición. Las dudas que siempre quise resolver, de la mano de profesionales contrastados.

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AP Latin Podcast

The goal of this podcast will be to cover the lines from Caesar’s De Bello Gallico and Vergil’s Aeneid that are found on the AP Latin curriculum. My aim is to provide a resource for Latin students and teachers as ...

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Python for Everybody (Audio/PY4E)

These are the audio lectures to supplement the textbook 'Python for Everybody: Exploring Information' and its associated web site www.py4e.com. There is also a video podcast of this material.

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Dreams Around The World - Life Design - Psychology

You've only got one life, so why not design it around your own personality, dreams, and desires? I’m Dan Johnston and I do my best to help you create your own version of an awesome life…whatever that means for ...

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Parenting ADHD Podcast, with the ADHD Momma | Posi

Helping You Help Your Child with ADHD or Child with Autism, and Yourself: Parent Coaching and Parent Training for Parenting Kids with ADHD/ Autism Effectively

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Parent Footprint with Dr. Dan

For anyone who has been parented, is a parent or dreams of being a parent, Parent Footprint with Dr. Dan teaches us all how to make the world a more loving, accepting and compassionate place -- one parent, one person ...

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The Forgotten Podcast

We want to see people everywhere supporting the foster care community and experiencing Jesus together. So, in this podcast, we are sharing the stories of the foster care community to bring awareness that leads to action!

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Old Time Radio Mystery, Suspense, & Horror

OTR Mystery, Suspense, & Horror is a podcast dedicated to exploring, analyzing, commentating and critiqing old time radio programs and plays that fall into the genre of mystery, suspense, & horror.

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Practice of Being Seen

A collection of weekly Connectfulness® Conversations with therapists and and change-makers. we examine how to create deeply restorative ripples of change within ourselves and with the world around us. Connectfulness® ...

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Novel Podcast: Millennial Entrepreneurs | Online B

Welcome to Faithful Foundations, a podcast where we dive deep into education for real estate agents in order for them to become top producers in their area, manage their business more effectively to leverage their ...

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What Fresh Hell

When you're a parent, every day brings a "fresh hell" to deal with. In other words, there's always something. Think of us as your funny mom friends who are here to remind you: you're not alone, and it won't always be ...

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Nihongo Podcast - Aprenda Japonês do dia a dia

Aprenda japonês nativo e alcance a sua fluência na língua japonesa! Baixe arquivo de texto da conversação em japonês, entenda notícias japonesas traduzidas e muito mais! Prontos para aprender japonês de verdade? ...

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Conversa de pai - Ilan Brenman

O olhar paterno na criação dos filhos e uma reflexão sobre as mudanças na divisão de tarefas entre pais e mães na criação dos filhos.

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Conversa de pai: livros para nossas crianças - Ila

Dicas de lançamentos e de obras mais antigas, além dos clássicos indispensáveis à formação de um pequeno leitor.

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Revista responde: como criar seus filhos - Petria

Especialistas em educação, pedagogia, neurociência e pediatria respondem às dúvidas dos pais sobre a educação da prole.

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CBN Pet - Carol Rocha

A veterinária Carol Rocha, mestre em comportamento animal, fala sobre o mundo dos bichos de estimação.

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Escola da Vida - Mario Sergio Cortella

Uma conversa sobre educação, cidadania e aperfeiçoamento do ensino.

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This Irish Life Podcast

This Irish Life follows Shooz & Dug re-discovering the secrets of the humanity - Irish-style!. Conversations about health, diet, lifestyle, exercise, martial arts, powerful techniques, myths, history, archaeology and ...

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Best Food Forward

The nutrition your baby receives during their First 1000 Days of life (from pregnancy to two years) can have a positive influence on how they develop, grow and learn – not just now, but for his or her whole life. ...

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Why Mommy Drinks

Betsy Stover talks with fellow parents about what their kids did that broke them and maybe even drove them to drink. Guests range from fellow comedians, to Hollywood directors, to Olympic athletes. There’s no advice ...

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